Autumn Leaves Comments

  • wedding song?

    not a wedding song at all!

    jenna 2008-09-10

  • Autumn leaves

    Was a poetry from famous French poet Jacques Prevert


    BigB 2007-07-27

  • biography

    pls could u let me know the original composer of autumn leaves

    darasen 2006-06-08

  • judgement

    Julie, You might find you can educate people more easily if you were a less judgmental.

    Brian 2006-04-26

  • kosma

    Joseph Kosma was a Hungarian who lived and worked in France.

    niamh 2005-12-05

  • joseph

    Joseph is not a German name... it's a hebrew name... it comes right out of the old testament... it comes from "Yosef" ... please, read the bible and stop making up nonsense

    Julie 2005-09-28

  • Info for Najwa

    Here we go:
    Composer: Joseph Kosma. According to some sites the original text is French; Title: Les Feuilles Mortes. However, Joseph is a German name. I am not sure whether the French text is the original indeed.
    English text: Johnny Mercer.
    4th frase: Toi 'que' m'aimais must be 'qui', since moi is a person, not a thing/object.

    Robbieboy 2005-06-12

  • original composer and publisher

    could you kindly let me know who originally wrote Autumn Leaves and the publisher?
    Najwa Najjar

    najwa najjar 2005-03-06

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